Thursday 13 March 2008

Shaded By Palms and Awash In Orange Blossoms Part II: The Visuals...

Surprise! Internet in Cartajima!

So, as promised, behold Sevilla:

I will forever associate the smell of orange blossoms with Spain...Sevilla is practically overgrown with orange trees.

A little spontaneous street Flamenco...

The Triana district, famous for its intricate tile-work...

The Museo des Belles Artes: I wasn't that enthralled with the art - it was all creepy cherubs, people looking pious, know, the usual. The building itself, however, was gorgeous:

The Plaza de Espana:

The entire length of the main building is surrounded by little displays like this - one for each of Spains provinces and some of its capitals...

The Sevilla Cathedral: "It is said that when it was ordered to be built the church chapter exclaimed: 'Let us build such a big building that those who see it finished will take us as madmen'."

I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable scientific explanation for those orbs of light...

To get an idea of the scale of this cathedral, notice the people along the bottom..and this picture doesn't come close to reaching the ceiling.

Up the Giralda Tower, part of the cathedral:

Sevilla is even more beautiful at night...

We (an American chick, an Australian chick and a fellow Torontonian) stumbled upon this informal booze-gathering in the street, apparently called a Botellon...

After that we went for Churros dipped in a really intense hot chocolate. I was all over that, of course.

I've even managed to learn enough spanish to avoid getting swindled by the gypsy women selling rosemary (plucked from local parks) and reading palms to extract a few euros from the flocks of tourists.

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this traveling thing.

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